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bos back off system
补偿系统  detail>>
back off system
补偿制度  detail>>
basic operating system (bos)
基本操作系统  detail>>
bos basic operating system
基本  detail>>
bos basic operation system
基本操作系统  detail>>
bos batch operation system
批处理操作系统  detail>>
 n. , vt. , vi.  〔英俚〕做错,看差;猜错;弄糟。  detail>>
back off
车辆等向后退 当感到对方靠近自己 倒扣,补偿 放弃,后退 放弃,让步,退却 后退退出补偿倒扣 缓和,软化,减轻 让开 使...  detail>>
to back off
补偿  detail>>
on off system
断续控制系统 开关系统  detail>>
on-off system
断续控制系统 开关系统 开停系统  detail>>
a little more off the back
后面请再剪一些  detail>>
back down off
放弃,让步,退却 放弃,让步,退却  detail>>
back handspring round-off
后手翻踺子  detail>>
back off angle
后角  detail>>
back off limit
避免算法参数 退避极限  detail>>
back off point
倒开点  detail>>
back off power recorder
反向截止功率记录仪  detail>>